Shops, Trades and Professions
Saad - Newsagents - 8 Brighton Road (2014-)

Sadler, Henry J. - Chemist - 1 High Street (1920-1962)

Henry James Sadler came to Crawley in 1920 and owned the pharmacy at 1 High Street until 1962. He lived over the shop until 1940, when he moved to Washington. He was also a radiographer at Crawley Hospital, and a member of Horsham District Council and the local Water Board. His leisure interests included Crawley Operatic Society and he regularly met with a small group at the George Hotel to hear lectures from invited guests. He died in 1972, aged 87.

Sadler, Margery - Ladies' Outfitter - 1a Post Office Road (1924)

Saffron Lounge - Indian Restaurant - 5 Grand Parade, High Street (2012-2015)

Sagar - North & South Indian Restaurant - 22 The Boulevard (-2011)

Sage Vegan Cafe - 36 High Street (2018-)

Sahara Bar - 10 Grand Parade, High Street (2024-)

Sainsbury, J. - Supermarket 32-33 Queens Square (1956-1968), 34 Queens Square (1968), 37-43 Queensway (1968-2021)

St. Catherine's Hospice Charity Shop - 33 The Broadway (1998); 31 The Broadway (2006-); 89 County Mall (2019)

St. John Ambulance - Unit 2-3 St. John's House, 29 High Street (1924-)

St. John's Lodge Preparatory School; St. John's Lodge School - Three Bridges Road (1938-1962)

Sajad - Mini Market - 12 Broad Walk (-2014)

Salon D - Unisex Hair Salon - 26 Broad Walk (2023-)

Salon Twelve & Mankind Barbershop - Hairdresser - 94A County Mall (2014-)

Salisburys - Leather Goods - 2 Queens Square (1956-1986)

Salvation Army, The - Charity Shop - 36 The Broadway (2014-2017)

Samantha Jane - Ladies Wear - 4a Ifield Road (1972)

Samuel, H. - Jeweller - 37 Queens Square (1957-1998), 7 County Mall (2006-)

Sanbei - Mobile & Tablet Accessories - 2 The Martlets (2014-)

Santander - Bank - 36 The Broadway (2012), 15 Queensway (2012-2014), 38-39 Queens Square (2012-)

Sargent and Palmer - 6 Brighton Road (1986)

Sargent & Partner - Estate Agent - 94 High Street (1972-1980)

S'Arnies - Sandwich Takeaway - 4a Ifield Road (1989)

Savers - Health and Beauty - 5-6 Queen's Square (2006-)

Save the Children - Charity Shop - 28 The Boulevard (1998-)

Savidge, Thomas - Hairdresser - 1 Ifield Road (1938-1951)

Sawkins, Frederick - Grocer - 12 Horsham Road

Saxonbrook Medical - NHS General Practice - 14 Haslett Avenue West (2016-)

Saxone - Fotwear - 34-35 Queens Square< (1956)

Scannell, Emma - Beer Retailer - 83-85 High Street (1924)

Schuh - Footwear - Unit 3, 26 The Martlets (2006-)

Scoones, Alice Jane - Circulating Library - 1b The Square

Scope - Charity - 13 The Broadway (1998-2020)

The Scotch Wool Shop (Fleming Reid & Co.) - Wool; Ladies Separates - 7 Queens Square (1956-1968)

Scott, Charles Vincent - Confectioner - Three Bridges High Street

Scott, Duncan - See Duncan Scott

Scott, William F. - Tailor - 2a Ifield Road (1924); 2 Ifield Road (1938-1951)

Sea Chef, The - Fish Restaurant - 22 High Street (1968-1980)

Sealey, Frederick I. - Tailor - 62 High Street (1913)

Selby, H.W. - Chemist & Photographer - 11 Broad Walk (1957-1958)

Select - Womens Wear - 15 County Mall (2014-)

Select Appointments - Employment Agency - 27 The Broadway (1998-2006)

Selfridge, Miss - See Miss Selfridge

Selwyn, A.H. - Glove Manufacturers - Robinson Road (1951)

Sense - Charity Shop - 24 The Boulevard (2015-)

Sense Aroma - Aroma Diffusers - Kiosk, County Mall (2019)

S.E.P. - Domestic Electrical Appliances - 5 The Broadway (1956)

Setford, Charles - Shopkeeper - North Road

Sevenoaks Sound & Vision - Home Entertainment - 32 The Boulevard (2006)

Seven Spices - Indian Restaurant - 7 High Street (2007)

Shakeaway - Juice Bar - Food Court County Mall (2012-)

Shalets - Ladies Wear - 10 Queensway (1980-1986)

Shangar? - Ladies Wear - 29 The Martlets (1986)

Shangrila Chinese Therapy - 8 Haslett Avenue West (2014)

Sha Post - 14a Grand Parade, High Street (2024-)

Sharp Looks - Mens Clothing - 72 County Mall (2015-)

Sharps Kitchens & Bedrooms - 5 The Pavilion Queens Square (2006-)

Shaw, Ambrose & Son - Motor Engineers and Garage - 60 High Street (1913-1924); and Orchard Street

Ambrose Shaw founded his business in the latter part of the 19th century to repair sewing machines; he also ran a cafe at the back of the High Street. He branched out as a cyclists shop, repairing and manufacturing cycles in his Gazelle Cycle Works, later moving on to motor cycles and then cars. In 1899 he built a motor cycle to his own design. The business closed in the 1920s. However, Ambrose Shaw's grandson, Ron Shaw, opened Shaw's Garage in Orchard Street after the Second World War. The Orchard Street premises closed about 1991, and the business continued in the Bell Centre, Manor Royal. Ron Shaw died on 2nd January 2009 and left his 1903 Rex Forecar - which was a regular in the London to Brighton Veteran Car Run - to Crawley Museum were it is on display.

Shaw, James - Builder - County Oak, London Road

Shepherd, William - Jobbing Gardener - 78 Malthouse Road

Sheratons - Furnishers - 21-25 The Broadway (1956)

Sherlock - Broomyard

Sherlock, George - Beer Retailer - 61 Ifield Road

Sherren, Algernon Belton - Chemist - 18 Brighton Road (1924)

Shin Mai - Chinese Restaurant - Unit 3, Robinson House, 8-10 High Street (2006-2013)

Shoecare - Shoe repair - 7 The Pavilion (2006-2012)

Shoecraft - Footwear - 2 The Martlets (1986)

Shoefayre - Footwear - 12-13 Queen's Square (1998-2006)

Shoetech - Footwear Repairs - 18 Broad Walk (1986)

Shoe Zone - Footwear - 44 County Mall (2006), Unit 2A, 26 The Martlets (2012-)

Shopper Direct - Household Textiles - 31 Queensway (1998)

Shoppers Amusements - Amusements, Tanning - 30-31 Queens Square (2006-?)

Si - Restaurant - 60 High Street (2006)

Siam Signature Thai - Restaurant - Unit 2, Robinson House, 6-14 High Street (2021-2023)

Siesta Coffee Bar (Ollington & Williams) - 20 The Boulevard (Siesta Coffee Bar) - Expresso Coffee Bar (1956-1958)

Simmins & Son, Stephen - Ironmongers &c. - 19 High Street (1913-1924)

Simonds, Louise; Simmonds - Ladies Hairdresser - 2 High Street (1938-1968)

Simmons, Christopher & Ada - Fruiterers - 74 Three Bridges High Street

Simms, W. & Co. - Electrical Engineers - 53a High Street (1913)

Singapore Sam - Chinese Food - Food Court County Mall (2006)

Singer - Sewing Machines and Electrical Equipment - 24 The Boulevard (1968); Sewing Machines & Fabrics - 31 Queensway (1972-1976)

Sippet - Broomyard

Sired, W.T. - Builder Deris, Ifield Road

Six Degrees - Nightclub - 107 High Street (2015-2016)

Sketchley - Dry Cleaners - 19 Broad Walk (1972-1986)

Skinner & Rose - Estate Agent - 31 High Street (1972)

Skinner, William; Skinner, Harry; Skinners Bakeries - Baker - 6 Brighton Road (1913-1951)

Skin Tek - Laser Clinic - First Floor, 35 Queens Square (2014-2019)

Sky Retail - Television - Kiosk 3/J County Mall (2012-)

Slater - Menswear - First Floor, 3 The Pavilion (2006-2011)

Slater, Albert G. - Window Cleaner - 61 East Park

Slator, John William Bradley Photographer - Malvern Studio, Crawley Road, Three Bridges

In 1894 John Slator and Harry Tullett established a photographic studio in Three Bridges High Street. By 1895 John Slator had set up on his own at his Malvern Studio, running his business until 1911. See the Sussex PhotoHistory webpage for more information.

Slaughter, Alfred Edward - Assistant Insurance Superintendant - 9 East Park

Slice Box - Pizza & Italian Food Takeaway - 6 Broad Walk (2015-2020); 3a Broad Walk (2020-)

Slim Chickens - Restaurant - 12 Crawley Leisure Park, London Road (2023-)

Slocock, Arthur Herbert - Nurseryman - Martyns Langley Lane

Small, Kathleen D. - Ladies' Outfitter; Small Childrens Wear - 28 High Street (1938-1972); Childrens Wear 30 High Street (1968-1972)

Small, Wilfred L. - Assistant Overseer & Rate Collector Ifield, Crawley & Rusper; Surrey & Sussex Courier Representative - 6 Ifield Road; 34 Spencers Road

Smart Digital Solution - Mobile Phones, Electrical & Household Goods - 13 The Broadway (2021)

Smart Weston - Mens Fashion - 6 The Broadway (1968)

Smiffy's - Antique & Secondhand Furniture - 39A High Street (1998-2012)

Smiggle - Stationery - 25 County Mall (2014-)

Smith - Grocer, Draper and Ironmonger; Smith Brothers - Lingerie & Ladies Separates 44-46 High Street

Situated on the corner of the High Street and Ifield Road, known as Smith's Corner.

Smith, Alfred E. - Refreshment Rooms - London Road

Smith, Arnold WIlliam - Clothier - 55 High Street (1924); 27 High Street (1938)

Smith, Bertha - Grocer - 26 High Street (1913)
Smith, Spencer - Grocer - 26 High Street (1924)
Smith, Bertha - Butcher - 26a High Street (1913)
Smith, Spencer - Butcher - 26a High Street (1924)

Smith, Bertha - Draper - 1 Post Office Road (1913)

Smith Bros. - Drapers; Lingerie & Ladies Separates - 44 High Street (1938-1980); 46 High Street (1972-1986)

Smith, CA Hamilton - Estate Agent - 31 High Street (1976-1980)

Smith, Charles William - Greengrocer - 37 Ifield Road

Smith Clothing - Outfitters - 27 High Street (1951); Mens Outfitter; Clothing and Camping - 17 The Martlets (1957-1980)

Smith, Les - Car Accessories - 17 Broad Walk (1986)

Smith, Les - Auto Spares - 28-32 The Broadway (1998)
Smith. Ltd., G. Mence - 22-24 High Street (1951)

Smith, Mary - Boarding House - 31 Brighton Road (1938)

Smith, Spencer See Smith, Bertha

Smith's Stores - General Hardware

Smith's Stores was on the corner of the High Street and Post Office Road (Robinson Road).

Smith, Dr. Thomas - The Tree, 103 High Street (1828-1862)

Smith, Tom - Refreshment Rooms - 115 High Street (1924)

Smith, Vernon - See Vernon Smith

Smith & Son, W. H., - Booksellers and Stationers - 19 High Street (1951-1956); Railway Station Three Bridges High Street
Smith, W.H. - Newsagent, Stationers and Books - 10-11 Queens Square (1956-1986), 40 The Boulevard (1972), 23-24 & 73-74 County Mall (1998-)
Smith Business Centre, WH - Computers - 90 High Street (1986)

Smoke and Vapes Centre - Tobacconist - 11 Church Walk (2013-)

Smokin' Joes - American Restaurant - 75 County Mall (2017)

Snack Bar O Tijolo - Cafe - 4 Ifield Road (2019-); 3 Ifield Road (2023)

Snelling, Alice J - Confectioner - 67 High Street (1913-1924)

Snelling, Lillian - Dressmaker - 75 High Street (1938)

Snelling, Percival - Stationer - 7 Brighton Road (1913-1924)

Snelling, Percy - Printer, Stationers - 4 High Street

Snelling, S. J. - Private Car Hire - Yew Tree Cottage, High Street (1951)

Snelling, Stanley John - Motor Car Propr. - 73 High Street (1938)

Snelling, Stanley John - Motor Car Propr. - 73 High Street

Snow Nails 16 Queensway (2021-)

Sofa Club (formally Furniture4u) - Furniture - 79-80 County Mall (2017-2022)

Soletrader - Footwear - 20 The Martlets (1998-2019)

Solomons, Restaurant - 49-51 High Street (1983-1988)

Something Different - Gifts - 15 Broad Walk (2006)

Something Wiccan - Holistic - Kiosk, First Floor, County Mall (2023); 2 Church Walk (2023-)

Sony Centre - Television & Hi-fi - 35 Queensway (1998)

Sorrell, Frank - Fruiterer - 14 Springfield Road

Sound Studio, The - Audio & Hi-Fi - 4 Grand Parade, High Street (1972)

Southdown Bakeries - Baker - 15 The Martlets (1958)

Southdown & East Grinstead Breweries - 1 Post Office Road (1913)

Southdown Nursery - Nursery - Langley Lane

South Eastern Electricity Board (Seeboard) - Electrical Goods 55 High Street (1951); 50-52 The Broadway (1956-1986)

South Eastern Gas Board (formerly Horley District Gas Co.) - 2 High Street (1938-1951)
South Eastern Gas Board (SEGAS) - Car Appliances & Showroom - 2 The Boulevard (1956-1986)

Southern Counties Garage and Car Hire - 41 Ifield Road; Glass & Plastics 41-43 Ifield Road; Fuels; Garage & Showroom - 6 Grand Parade, High Street (1968-1972)

Stansfords Garage in Ifield Road became Southern Counties Garages on 1st July 1946. A glass cutter was employed in 1949 for replacement windscreens and door windows. This side of the business subsequently became Southern Counties Glass with premises in East Park. In 1955 the company took over the old Woolwich building in the Crawley High Street which was turned into car showrooms. The Ifield Road repair shop and Head Office were enlarged in 1957 when they took over the adjoining Crawley Metal Productions property, and in 1958 the company bought the Church of England School in Victoria Road for car showrooms. Expansion continued with the acquisition of Howletts, paraffin oil and general stores adjoining the garage, and an oil depot was set up in Victoria Road, now Southern Counties Fuels. Barker's Garage, in Three Bridges Road, was acquired in 1975.

Southern Motor Co. - Gillian Cottage, London Road

Southern Rentals - TV Rental - 5 The Broadway (1957-1976)

Southgate Fish and Chips - Food Take-away - 22 Brighton Road (2013-)

Southgate Stores - Grocers - 12 Brighton Road (1968)

Southgate Studio - Photography, Cameras - 22 Brighton Road (1968)

Spar (Guilders) - Grocers - 12 Brighton Road (1976-1980)

Sparks Hamburgers - Fast Food - 22 High Street (1986)

Sparkle & Glow Christmas - 90 Count Mall (2023)

Specialised Components Supplies - Car Accessories - 6 Brighton Road (1976-1980)

Specsavers - Optician - 8 The Martlets (1998-2021); Unit 4, 26 The Martlets (2021-)

Spectra - TV Rental - 24 Broad Walk (1976)

Spells Kitchen - Children's Entertainment - 90 Count Mall (2022)

Spencer, G.L. - Fruit Grower - Hazelwood

Spice I Am - Thai Restaurant - 5 Grand Parade, High Street (2016)

Spice Indian Kitchen and Bar - Indian Restaurant - 5 Grand Parade, High Street (2015-2016)

Spice Lounge - Indian Restaurant - 15 Brighton Road (2012)

Spice World - Indian Take-away - 8 Bank Lane (2006-)

Spicy Corner - Sri Lankan and South Indian Restaurant - 4 Parkside (2006)

Spoils - Furniture & Kitchenware - 85-86 County Mall (1998-2012); Household Goods - 72 County Mall

Sportique - Sports Goods - 48 The Broadway (1986)

Sports Division - Sports Goods - 12 County Mall (1998) - Sports Clothing and Equipment - 13-15 The Martlets (2012-)

Sports Soccer - Sports Goods - 7 County Mall (1998)

Sports World - Sports Clothing and Equipment - 13-15 The Martlets (2006)

Spot Graphic Design - Design & Print - Richmond House, 105 High Street (2014)

Spotted Media Services - Social Media Marketing - 20 Brighton Road (2020-)

Sproston & Co. - Fishmongers - 34 High Street (1913)

Square One - Ladies Wear - 22 The Martlets (1986)

Stacks - Household Goods - 21-22 Queens Square (2014)

Standing, Joseph John - Smallholder - The Meeting House, Langley Lane

Stanford - Broomyard - North Road, Three Bridges

Stanford, Sydney F. - Motor Garage 51 Ifield Road; 41-43 Ifield Road

Stanford, Thomas Edwin - Butcher - 55 Ifield Road

Starbucks - Coffee - 12-13 Queen's Square (2014-), Unit 1, Crawley Leisure Park, London Road (2018-)

Starburger - Food Take-away - 4 Broad Walk (1998)

Star Furniture & Carpets 1-3 Queens Square (2020)

Star Ballroom; Starlight Ballroom- Ballroom - 102 High Street (1968-1980)

Stationery Box - Stationery - 7 Queen's Square (1998-2006)

Stead & Simpson - Footwear - 28 Queens Square (1956-1980), 12-13 Queen's Square (2012)

Stephens, James - Jeweller - 1 Church Walk (2006-2023); 4 The Pavilion, Queen's Square (2023-)

Stevensdrake - Solicitors - 117-119 High Street (2014-)

Stevens, Herbert William - Coffee Rooms - 76-78 High Street (1924)

Stewart, J.W. - Carrier - 28 Ifield Road

Stickley, J. - Estate Agent - 14 Brighton Road (1976-1986)

Stidson, Harold George - Grocer - 47 Three Bridges High Street

Stiles Harold Williams / SHW - Estate Agent - Sterling House, 103 High Street (2014-)

Stokes, David - Draper - 21 High Street (1913)

Stone, J & F - Radio, Television, Electrical Goods - 29 Queens Square< (1968-1972)/div>
Stone, J & M - Radio, Television - 10 Queensway (1957-1958)

Stoner, John - Shopkeeper - 123 High Street (1913)

Stoner's Works and Stores - High Street

The Stork Shop - Childrens Clothes & Prams - 29 The Broadway (1968)

Street, Albert Maxwell - Optician - Mileaway

Street Beat - 1 Robinson Road (1986)

Street Value - Household Goods - 7 The Broadway (2006-2012)

Street Walkers - Footwear & Gifts - 26 High Street (1980)

Strevett & Mitchell - Builders - 4 Ifield Road (1951)

Strevett, A.A. - Plumber - 6 Ifield Road

STR Food & Wine - 14b Grand Parade, High Street (2024-)

Strudwick, Emma - Laundry - 42 West Street

Strutton, Caroline - Dressmaker - 37 High Street (1913)

Studio - Mens Wear - 7 Queen's Square (1986)

Studio 13 - Tattooist - First floor, 12 The Boulevard (2014-2021); First floor, 14 Queensway (2021-)

Stunning Rags - Mens Wear - 26 Broad Walk (1986)

Sturt, Winifred May - Shopkeeper - London Road

Styleistique - Hair - 4 Church Walk (1998)

Subway - Sandwich Bar - 36 The Boulevard (2006-); 97/95 (Renumbered 95 c. 2013) High Street (2012-2023); Food Court County Mall (2012-); Unit 4, Crawley Leisure Park, London Road (2014-)

Sue Ryder - Charity Shop - 8 The Broadway (1998)

Sugar Raze - Hair & Beauty Salon - 3 Pegler Way (2006)

Suit Direct - Mens Wear - 42 County Mall (2022-2023)

Suite Centre - Furniture - 21 & 28 Broad Walk (1998)

Suite Company, The - Mens Wear - 45 County Mall (1998)

Sultan - Turkish Restaurant - 55 High Street (2013-2019) (First floor only from 2018)

Sultans Brasserie - Restaurant - 6-7 Pegler Way (1998)

Summers, Ann - See Ann Summers

Summit Audio Systems Ltd - Hi-Fi - 10 High Street (1976)

Summit Lighting - Decorative Lighting and Giftware - 38 The Boulevard (1976-2020); 40 The Boulevard (1980-2020)

Sun Central - Tanning Salon - 4 Parkside (2012-2015)

Sunglass Hut - Gifts - Kiosk County Mall (1998-2006)

Sun Inn, The - High Street

Superdrug - Chemist, Toiletries, Health & Beauty - 38 Queens Square (1972-1986), 39 Queens Square (1986), 8-10 Queensway (1998-)

Superdry - Ladies & Mens Wear - 47-48 County Mall (2012-2018), Store 2a County Mall (2018-2024)

Superspec - Electrical Appliances and Household Goods - 7 The Broadway (1998)

Sussex Aesthetics - Beauty - 6 Haslett Avenue West (2021-)

Sussex Electricity Supply Co. - 27 High Street (1924); 55 High Street (1938)

Sussex Express & County Herald - Newspaper - 12 The Boulevard (1956-1958)

Sussex Stationers and Breddon Books - Stationery & Books - 6 Queensway (1998-2006)

Sussex Toyata - Garage - 82-92 High Street (1980)

Sutton & Bufton - Dentists - 16 High Street (1938)

Sutton Shoe Co, The - Footwear - 13 The Martlets (1956)

Swan Property Management - Estate Agent - 1 Brittingham House Orchard Street (2012-)

Swan-Taylor, Percy Jas. - Photographer - 22 Brighton Road (1913)

S.W. Drawing Office Service - Drawing Office Supplies - 22 The Boulevard (1956-1958)

Sweeney Todd - Hairdresser - Rear of 43 High Street (1986)

Sweets Delight - See P&J Sweets Delight

Sweet Tooth - Confectionary and Biscuits - 26 Broad Walk (2012)

Swinton - Insurance - 16 Brighton Road (1998-2012); 4 Grand Parade, High Street (2012-2017)

Synergize Consulting - Resource Management - 3 Peveril Court, 6-8 London Road (2018-)